Michelle is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, developer of the Compassion for Couples program, and founder of Wise Compassion. She is a mentor and co-founder of the Mindful Self- Compassion Teacher Training, as well as a senior teacher of Compassion Cultivation Training, a certified Daring Way Facilitator and a Senior Trainer at the UCSD Center for Mindfulness. She specializes in teaching and speaking on compassion in various relational contexts. 

Here are some additional resources from Michelle:
Join the Well Connected Community at https://wisecompassion.com/join/
Look for the WELL CONNECTED RELATIONSHIPS podcast wherever you like to listen to podcasts or at https://wisecompassion.com/podcast/
Find Compassion for Couples courses at https://wisecompassion.com/courses-events/

Michelle’s book, Compassion for Couples is due out late 2022/early 2023 from Guilford Press.