Event Schedule
Full List of Summit Sessions Below!
*Each day, all video sessions will be posted at the same time of 5pm PT | 8pm ET (except for the live sessions on January 30th and February 3rd), and will remain available for free streaming for 48 hours. Each talk is between 40-60 minutes.
Opening Keynote
Bringing Compassion into Therapy with Tara Brach, PhD, Kristin Neff, PhD, and Chris Germer, PhD
Chris Germer, PhD
A Comprehensive Overview of Self-Compassion in Therapy
Hear an overview of the historical context of Compassion-Based Psychotherapy and how Compassion-Based approaches are emerging as a powerful new paradigm
Learn about the growing body of research on the key mechanisms of change within Compassion-Based Therapies
Explore 3 practical ways to integrate Self-Compassion into your work
Shelly Harrell, PhD
Holding the Pain and Complexities of Racism with Compassion
Learn about how mindfulness and compassion help us engage racial content and cultural dynamics in therapy with loving presence and attunement
Hear about how unconscious cultural blind spots are perpetuated in how mindfulness, compassion, and self-compassion practices are often presented
Be guided by Dr. Harrell in a contemplative practice of "Sawubona Seeing"
Kelly McGonigal, PHD
The Practical Science of Compassion
Hear about the neuroscience of empathic distress and compassion fatigue, and learn how to stay grounded in moments of overwhelm in the face of suffering
Learn how a compassionate connection to the client can promote co-regulation and the healing process
Let Dr. McGonigal lead you in the practice of "Heart Breathing" to stabilize the nervous system, activate the physiology of compassion and courage, and connect you to a larger source of inspiration
Paul Gilbert, FBPsS, PhD, OBE
The Origins and Future of Compassion in Therapy
Hear one of the true pioneers of compassion-based therapy describe the beginning of his revolutionary work
Learn why it is important to address the way clients feel, not just how they think
Gain skills for leading clients through helpful breathing exercises, and learn about the challenges that could arise
Thubten Jinpa, PhD
The Practice of Compassion
Experience Thupten Jinpa's unique insight and deep knowledge of how to cultivate compassion and widen your circle of care
Learn about the important link between awareness and compassion, and how cultivating awareness can deepen the power of your compassion
Be led in a guided reflection to feel the power of kindness and generate the compassion you can bring into all areas of your life
Kristin Neff, PhD
The Power of Self-Compassion
Learn how Self-Compassion can help you find strength in moments of stress and pain through cultivating loving, connected presence
Hear about the "Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion" and how they create a caring force that allows you to be both tender and fierce
Let Dr. Neff guide you in a compassionate body scan practice to help you check in with your body and learn to compassionately hold any feelings of discomfort you may find
Ronald Siegel, PsyD
Personal Mindfulness Practice: Letting Go of Self-Preoccupation to Deepen Connection with Clients
Discover how mindfulness can help you enjoy your work, do it more wholeheartedly, and see better outcomes with clients
Hear Dr. Siegel talk about how Buddhism's Three Marks of Existence can shift your understanding of psychotherapy to allow for more compassion and a greater tolerance of discomfort
Enjoy a practice to experience emotions as somatic events, allowing you to discover inner space and take them less personally
Russell Kolts, PhD
Compassion-Focused Therapy from the Inside Out
Learn how your own "self-practice" and "self-reflection" help you gain deeper insight and allow you to introduce mindfulness and compassion practices to your clients more effectively
Hear Dr. Kolts talk about how to integrate practice into your life so that it naturally permeates all aspects of your experience and blossoms as greater connection and spontaneous kind curiosity
Be led through two powerful guided practices: "The Two Questions of Self-Compassion" and "Compassionate Self in Action"
Shari Geller, PhD
The Keys to Compassionate Therapeutic Presence
Learn how to embody the four elements of Therapeutic Presence: "Grounding," "Immersion," "Expansion," and "Being With and For Another"
Be led through the P.R.E.S.E.N.C.E. practice, which Dr. Gellar uses to prepare for each therapy session
Consider how cultivating presence in your whole life contributes to creating a safe and powerful environment for psychotherapy
Dan Siegel, PhD
Compassionate Presence: Deepening the Therapeutic Alliance
Hear Dr. Siegel's personal thoughts about the importance of healing presence in the therapeutic relationship across therapeutic modalities
Discover how the qualities of Presence, Attunement, Resonance, Truth, and Trust deepen your therapeutic presence and support your clients integration process
Learn how to cultivate and develop these qualities through the Wheel of Awareness
Leslie Greenberg, Ph.D
Emotional Transformation Through Presence
Discover the link between embodiment and empathic relationship and hear tips to deepen your somatic intelligence
Learn the nine steps of "emotion coaching," and hear about how this "process directive" orientation helps you guide your client to deeper emotional self-knowledge
Consider the ability of adaptive emotions to help alchemically transform harmful emotions within Emotion-Focused Therapy
Eduardo Duran, PhD
Decolonizing Therapy and Healing the Soul Wound
Explore indigenous frameworks for psychological and social challenges and discover how historical trauma and "Soul Wounding" manifests in the present and impacts the future
Learn about the importance of understanding the “life world” of your clients so that you can be an agent of healing, especially when working with vulnerable and traumatized communities
Hear Dr. Duran’s perspective on the limitations of Western Psychology when working with Indigenous communities, and learn how he integrated Indigenous culture into his healing modalities
Jordan Quaglia, PhD
Balanced Compassion: Exploring the Relationship Between Self- and Other-Oriented Compassion
Develop a stronger conceptual and experiential understanding of how self- and other-oriented compassion interrelate
Learn about how therapists with compassion training combine distinct orientations of compassion to deepen connection with clients
Explore exciting insights from new research on combined self- and other-compassion that can be applied to the context of psychotherapy
Richard Schwartz, PhD
Working with Shame and the Inner Critic
Get an in-depth overview of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy model and watch role playing scenarios to see how IFS is used to transform shame and the inner critic
Learn how to help clients locate the inner critic in their body and shift harmful patterns by building attuned and compassionately curious relationships to all parts of themselves
Explore the relationship between compassion and trust and how these qualities naturally lead toward client “self leadership” in the IFS approach
Sydney Spears, PhD, LCSW, LSCSW
Addressing Trauma and Racialized Trauma with Mindful Self-Compassion
Discover the factors that make racialized trauma distinct from other forms of trauma, and how compassion is a key for being able to talk about race, racism, and injustice
Learn why empowering trauma-survivors to choose if and how to work with mindfulness or mindful self-compassion is a crucial step for introducing these practices
Explore how to bring a trauma-sensitive approach to mindfulness and mindful self-compassion interventions
Dennis Tirch, PhD
Compassion-Focused Therapy for Anxiety
Learn about the growing body of research that demonstrates how compassion impacts psychological and social wellbeing
Hear about how to introduce the concept and practices of compassion to clients within the therapeutic context
Explore three compassion-focused interventions to address anxiety
Michelle Becker, M.A., LMFT
Compassion in Couples Therapy
Hear how Michelle has integrated compassion into a 6-week program for couples, and learn each step she takes in helping them build a foundation of mindfulness, care, and common humanity
Discover specific and helpful tools, practices, and advice for bringing compassion into work with couples
Experience a guided practice that you can use with clients to help them come into the body and be mindful of underlying needs
Closing Keynote
Deepening Compassion in Therapy with Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman